Technical datasheet

Technical data sheets for the SUS410 and galvanized steel program
To calculate the correct amount of fasteners for your project, it is important that you use screws that have been independently tested according to European guidelines. We have the European Technical Approval (ETA) for the bimetal program. The SUS410 and galvanized steel program has been tested based on the same ETA assessment document. The relevant data sheets have been made available as PDFs and can be downloaded for reference.

Download the full program datasheet below:
VZ test op basis EAD 330046-330047      

The data sheet per fastener can be found below:
Technical datasheet 410HL on steel
Technical datasheet 410HL on timber
Technical datasheet 4100SP
Technical datasheet 4104SP
Technical datasheet 220065T17
Technical datasheet 410065
Technical datasheet SS1HL
Technical datasheet SS102
Technical datasheet VZBSQSP
Technical datasheet VZH2
Technical datasheet VZH3
Technical datasheet VZH5
Technical datasheet VZH163
Technical datasheet VZHSP
Technical datasheet VZHT2
Technical datasheet VZHT3
Technical datasheet VZHT5
Technical datasheet VZT1
Technical datasheet VZT2
Technical datasheet 403ACT4